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About This Episode

This episode is brought to you by our friends at Minoan

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Meet Jason and Monique — the founders of The Vermont A-Frame…one of the OG instagram famous A-Frames in New England. 

Jason grew up vacationing in Vermont, but it wasn’t until he took Monique up from Jersey for a weekend that the couple realized how special this part of the country really was. 

Soon after that trip, Jason and Monique began dreaming about how they might own a vacation home in the area that they could escape to on long weekends and perhaps rent out to others on occasion.

Tune in to hear the story of how the couple found the perfect A-Frame (after visiting more than 20 others!) and transformed it into one of the most desirable vacation homes in the Green Mountain State.

In this episode, I chat with Jason and Monique about:

  • What it was like owning a unique stay back in 2017 and how their business has been impacted since the covid boom
  • The best and worst experiences they’ve had with creators and influencers
  • Why they often ignore their dynamic pricing tools in favor of attracting the core guest avatar
  • And so much more.

Book Your Stay at The Vermont A-Frame

Follow The Vermont A-Frame on Instagram

About the Show

Behind the Stays is brought to you twice a week by Sponstayneous — a free, biweekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb.  

You can subscribe, for free, at

Behind the Stays is hosted by Zach Busekrus, co-founder of Sponstayneous, you can connect with him on Twitter at @zboozee.

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