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About This Episode

Meet Michael Goldin, Co-Founder of the Storied Collection — an exclusive collection of historic estates, castles and other unique residences-turned-accommodations, situated across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Michael and his wife were searching for a much needed vacation as covid rules across the world began to subside.

They dreamed of staying in a beautiful castle, but the search was rather difficult and the historic properties were particularly hard to find.

After hours and hours of research, Michael finally found the perfect property… a property his family lineage could actually be traced to! The decision to book that property was a no brainer. 

Tune into how this experiential feeling at the intersection of exploration and history led him to find co-founders to start Storied, a collection of the most richly historic and enjoyable places to stay in the world.

Michael is also one of the hosts of Good Morning Hospitality — stream the weekly morning show here or wherever you get your podcasts.

I want to meet you all in person!

Annette and Sarah from Thanks for Visiting were kind enough to invite me to come speak at TFVCON on SEO Strategy for STR Hosts and I can’t wait to participate in this dynamic event.

I’d love to meet all you listeners in PERSON…so please consider coming to the event.  You can use the discount code “BTS” as in “Behind the Stays” at checkout for $150 off any ticket level.

About the Show

Behind the Stays is brought to you twice a week by Sponstayneous — a free, biweekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb.  

You can subscribe, for free, at

Behind the Stays is hosted by Zach Busekrus, co-founder of Sponstayneous, you can connect with him on Twitter at @zboozee.

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