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About This Episode

In just a moment you’ll meet Alla and Garrett Hohn — the creators of The Hohnstead, which is a mini-glamping resort featuring a collection of tiny cabins about 20 minutes from Missoula, Montana.

Garrett’s father had always dreamed of buying a plot of land that the whole extended family could enjoy, so when he stumbled upon over 100 acres of untouched Montana forest for sale, he knew it was time to pull the trigger. 

So, he called Garrett and Alla who were living in South Korea and asked if they “were in” — and, “in” they were.

The following summer, the couple built a small, rustic structure with recycled materials on the property that they dubbed “The Shanty”, and it wasn’t long before Alla asked Garrett and the rest of the family a question that would change their lives forever, “what if we listed the Shanty on Airbnb?”

Everyone thought she was crazy!

Tune in to hear the compelling story of how the Hohn family built an incredibly unique oasis of tiny cabins that hundreds of guests from all over the world have since come to enjoy. 

Book your stay at The Hohnstead here.


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