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About This Episode

Meet Spenser and Marcy Kernea, the creators of the Retreat at Fall Branch Falls, a pristinely crafted escape in Georgia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. 

Spenser has always been a big dreamer.  And while Marcy is fond of big ideas herself, she often has to counterbalance Spenser’s idealism with just a smidge of realism.

Spenser once had this grand idea of opening up an authentic Italian gelateria in Tennessee, and Marcy had to remind him that he didn’t know the first thing about making ice cream or running a restaurant!

So, after Spenser’s dream of becoming the Guy Fieri of gelato were tabled, he and Marcy began discussing a dream they both shared — and that was to be able to create welcoming spaces where people of all backgrounds might feel at home. 

Tune in to hear the somewhat miraculous story of how Spenser and Marcy found the perfect piece of land, created a magical Airbnb on that land, and grew their Tiny Houses’ following to over 30k across Instagram and TikTok.

Book your stay at the Retreat at Falls Branch

Follow the Retreat at Falls Branch on Instagram

Follow the Retreat at Falls Branch on TikTok

This episode of Behind the Stays is brought to you by our friends at Touch Stay

Touch Stay enables hosts to build beautiful, digital guidebooks in a matter of minutes…
And enhances the guest experience by packaging your recommendations for coffee, wine bars, artisan bakeries, and Michelin star restaurants in a single online location. 
Guests can access everything through a simple link — and yes, it works WITHOUT a wifi connection. 
Touch Stay allows you to customize your guidebook to match your brand — pick the colors, fonts, and images that best align with your STR. 
Learn more about a plethora of other features they have, and start your free trail at (as in, Behind the Stays).

About the Show

Behind the Stays is brought to you twice a week by Sponstayneous — a free, biweekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb.  
You can subscribe, for free, at

Behind the Stays is hosted by Zach Busekrus, co-founder of Sponstayneous, you can connect with him on Twitter at @zboozee.

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