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About This Episode

In just a moment, you’ll meet Natalie Palmer — an Airbnb Ambassador, a 17x superhost, and the creator and host of the popular No Vacancy podcast. 

Natalie was never really sure what she wanted to do when she “grew up”...but she was always quick to say “yes” when opportunities to step outside of her comfort-zone surfaced. 

So, after spending a couple of months learning about short-term rental investing and hosting, Natalie asked her parents if she could try her hand out at turning their family’s vacation home in the mountains into an Airbnb.

While skeptical, they agreed to give her a shot…and within one ski season, they had made enough to pay the mortgage on the home for the entire year!

This early win inspired Natalie to further immerse herself in learning everything she could about how to deliver an exceptional guest experience while also growing a profitable business. 

Natalie and I discuss the power of networking and why more hosts should participate in STR industry events, frameworks for how to structure your time as a hospitality entrepreneur, and why she’s throwing a women’s only STR hospitality event in Scottsdale, Arizona called the “Level Up Your Listing Summit.”  

You’ll learn more about this event towards the end of the interview but I want to highly encourage all the ladies tuning into today’s chat to check out Natalie’s event. 

Natalie is also giving all Behind the Stays listeners a 10% discount when they use the code BTS10 at check out.  Learn more about the Level Up Your Listing Summit here

Follow Natalie on Instagram

Stream the No Vacancy Podcast 

This episode of Behind the Stays is brought to you by our friends at Touch Stay

Touch Stay enables hosts to build beautiful, digital guidebooks in a matter of minutes…
And enhances the guest experience by packaging your recommendations for coffee, wine bars, artisan bakeries, and Michelin star restaurants in a single online location. 
Guests can access everything through a simple link — and yes, it works WITHOUT a wifi connection. 
Touch Stay allows you to customize your guidebook to match your brand — pick the colors, fonts, and images that best align with your STR. 
Learn more about a plethora of other features they have, and start your free trail at in, Behind the Stays).
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About the Show

Behind the Stays is brought to you twice a week by Sponstayneous — a free, biweekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb.  
You can subscribe, for free, at

Behind the Stays is hosted by Zach Busekrus, co-founder of Sponstayneous, you can connect with him on Twitter at @zboozee.

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