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About This Episode

Meet Mike Iannetta, better known as Mike Will Travel, a YouTube creator and hospitality marketing specialist.

Mike started his first business at the age of 17.  He raised $5,000 on Kickstarter to start what he thought would be the next big board shorts brand.

Now, the clothing line didn’t quite pan out, but it solidified for Mike that he wanted to spend his career starting and running his own businesses. 

When Mike was in college, he studied abroad in Europe…and after traveling to a dozen countries over his four months abroad, he came back to the states convinced he had to find a way to travel as close to full time as possible.

So, Mike bought a camera and started messing around with shooting video. And, while he didn’t know the difference between shooting in 720, 1080, and 4k at the time, in just a few months, Mike would be traveling around the globe documenting his stays at some of the world’s most remarkable hotels and Airbnbs.

Tune in to hear the story of how Mike started his YouTube channel, how he generated his first 10 million views, and how he’s helped Airbnb hosts generate millions of new fans and followers for their homes on Instagram.

Subscribe to Mike's YouTube Channel

Follow Mike on Instagram 

Explore Mike's Website

This episode is brought to you by our friends at The Host Co.

The Host Co. enables short-term rental host to build their own storefronts and offer amenities like late night snacks,  massages, fresh flowers, grocery delivery, in-home shopping and much more.

The Host Co. makes it easy for guest to augment their stay with the products and services they need and makes it easy for STR hosts to make up to an additional $10k in ancillary revenue on each rental.

Hosts keep 93% of all sales and The Host Co. takes care of guest receipts, sales tax and payouts to you and vendors.

Create your free store today by visiting and be sure to tell the team their that you heard about them from Behind the Stays! 

And, for a limited time, Behind the Stays listeners will get $30 back on their first sale when you use the discount code BTS30 at check out!

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About the Show

Behind the Stays is brought to you twice a week by Sponstayneous — a free, biweekly newsletter that brings subscribers the best last-minute deals and upcoming steals on Airbnb.  
You can subscribe, for free, at

Behind the Stays is hosted by Zach Busekrus, co-founder of Sponstayneous, you can connect with him on Twitter at @zboozee.

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