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About This Episode

On this episode of Behind the Stays, you’ll meet Eli Clark and Alexa Lang from Clark Family Silos.   

Eli grew up on a farm in Kalispell, Montana (about 30 minutes outside of Whitefish in the North-Western part of the state). After studying design in college, he moved to Carlsbad, California to work at a design firm where he got the opportunity to work on a couple of Addidas’ leading product lines.   

But Eli wasn’t satisfied with the 9-5…so he bought an Airstream and embraced the freelance, digital nomad life…before it was the cool thing — Instagram wasn’t even around yet, so you won’t find any of his posts in #wanderlust.   

About a decade later, Eli’s father, Brad, the Clark Family’s Farmer-in-Chief, was eyeing retirement.    

Over drinks in a local town pub one evening, Eli and his partner Alexa pitched an idea to Brad that would make stepping back from the farm a bit more possible…and that idea?  It was to transform five grain silos into luxurious Airbnbs.  

The problem?    

Well, while Clark Family Farms had fields of canola, peas, and wheat, depending on the season, they didn’t own a single silo.   

Tune in to hear the exciting story of how Eli, Alexa, the Clark family, and ultimately the entire Kalispell community, came together to erect some of the most inspiring and unique stays on the Airbnb platform.   

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