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About This Episode

In just a moment you’ll meet Kelly Cronin — the creator of Cronin's Castles, which is a new collection of unique short-term rentals. 

Kelly has always loved to travel and refers to herself as a professional travel hacker — she once scored an $11 Southwest flight from Wisconsin to Puerto Rico! 

By the time she visited all 50 states, Kelly had fallen in love with too many places…and she began to brainstorm ideas for how she might ensure that she return to some of her favorites.

And that’s when she started seriously looking into acquiring unique tiny homes that she could transform into short-term rentals. 

And before long, she bought a home in Vieques, Puerto Rico…and then one in Alaska…and then another in Utah…oh, and this was all over the course of one year…while she was still living thousands of miles away from all locations in Wisconsin. 

Tune in to hear the delightful story of how Kelly transformed her dream of owning a little part of the places she loves most into a reality — a reality which guests from around the world can also enjoy. 

Learn more about Kelly's vision — and book one of her stays — by visiting the links below:

Interested in learning more about how to buy, build, and manage Airbnbs remotely?
Check out Kelly's course on Short Term Rental Success.This is a one-stop-shop class for selecting, funding, starting and running a short-term rental profitably!

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