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About This Episode

In just a moment you’ll meet Kayla Stormont — the creator of The Apex Cabin in Big Bear, California.

When Kayla would go to a toy store or jewelry shop as a kid, and ask her mom for a trinket or a pair of earrings, her mom would often say, “No, I’m not buying you that, you could make that yourself.”

And while she didn’t know it at the time, this encouragement would serve her well as an adult.

As a native of the Island of Hawaii, Kayla has always loved the mountains.  So when she visited Big Bear for the first time after moving to LA, she knew she needed to find a way to acquire a mountain home.

Tune in to hear the story of how Kayla went from cutting drywall in a Lowe's parking lot on a Friday night to transforming a historic, 1960s A-Frame into a contemporary modern escape.

Book your stay at The Apex Cabin here and follow The Apex on Instagram here.

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